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Results for "main_practice: "Imagination", latest_content: 1"
Alice Walker A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Alice Walker, novelist, poet, womanist, and social activist.
David Whyte A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of David Whyte. poet, artist, workshop leader, and corporate consultant.
Thomas Moore A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Thomas Moore, pioneer explorer of the sacred art of soulful living, lecturer, prolific writer, former Catholic monk, and ps…
Christine Valters Paintner A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Christine Valters Paintner, online Abbess at Abbey of the Arts.
Shaun McNiff A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Shaun McNiff, a pioneer in art therapy who teaches advanced Graduate Studies in Creativity, Imagination, and Leadership.
Jan Phillips A profile with bibliography and distinctive contribution to spirituality of Jan Phillips, speaker, workshop leader, writer, photographer, and multimedia artist.
Roger Housden A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Roger Housden, a spiritual writer, explorer of sacred traditions, and modern-day pilgrim.
Natalie Goldberg A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Natalie Goldberg, poet, writer, painter, and noted teacher of Zen, writing, and creativity.
Phil Cousineau A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Phil Cousineau, a Cultural historian and adventure tour leader.
Alan Jones A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Alan Jones, an Episcopal priest, founder of a Center for Christian Spirituality, and Dean of Grace Cathedral in San Francis…